Grand Canyon Council Recharter
Unit Tools
Unit Tools
The Recharter Process

If this is your first time using the online re-charter portal, we encourage you to contact your unit commissioner for a walk-through of re-charter or review the resources available to you on this page. 

How-To for Online Recharter

To guarantee these the listed prices, online charters must be complete (online payment and approvals) by 7/31.

New members (Youth and Adults) join independently of recharter and adults have completed Youth Protection Training (YPT) since 8/1/21.

Units are encouraged to verify all Scouts and Scouters are registered with the unit prior to beginning the online re-charter.

Online applications are strongly encouraged for all youth members who need to be added to unit rosters to both speed the process up and ensure complete accurate information is recorded. 

Online Registrations Recharter Cycle

All new online registrations will pay for the rest of this charter cycle (through 7/31/23) and all of next year (7/31/24).
This is beneficial to units as they will not need to revisit new families for additional fees in a few months. The unit should list each new member on their recharter. The new member will show as “pre-paid,” so fees will not need to be collected again!

Other Recharter Resources

Watch our Calendaring Your Scouting Year Video

Help new and returning Scouting families get excited for this next year’s Scouting program by planning ahead and taking advantage of the many Grand Canyon COuncil and District Level Programs.

Watch our Scout Unit Budgeting Video

You have the program planned, you know what events and activities you and you Scouts are interested in, now how much will it cost and how do we pay for it? This video walks through a simple tool developed for the Grand Canyon Council to help units build a budget that matches the academic year and charter cycle.

Back to Pack Preview 2021! Help your Cub Pack start the fall School year ready for adventure by hosting a “Back to Pack” event! Discover more at: Back to Pack

Updating your “pin” is simple, and it’s a good way to make sure your information is current. Click here for step-by-step guide.

The Boy Scouts of America now offers an online application process for youth and adults that can be completed from start to finish without a single piece of paper changing hands. Click here for step-by-step guide. After Re-charter is complete units will have the option to allow online applications for adult members too. 
The Grand Canyon Council is committed to providing the best experience to each of our Scouts and we believe that trained leaders are a part of that fantastic experience. Learn more about our 100% Trained Leader Initiative here.

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is committed first and foremost to keeping youth safe. Part of that commitment includes continually updating our youth protection policies to help ensure we are always on the forefront of youth safety.  

As you know, one of the BSA’s many barriers to abuse is a mandatory criminal background check during the adult volunteer application process. The BSA will now also perform periodic rechecks of criminal backgrounds to support the continued safety of youth in our programs.  

All adult volunteers must complete the Background Check Disclosure form located here. Reminder notifications have been shared with adults volunteers and key unit leadership if we do not currently have a current form on file.